In part twenty-two of our series on the fraud and corruption of Philip Klein, we take a look at some interesting documents executed by Philip Klein relating to his own requests for GOVERNMENT money.
Lets review what the Review has reviewed:
On March 27, 2006, approximately five months after a Hurricane called Rita hit Southeast Texas, and just a few months before a pool appeared in the back of the Klein home, Philip Klein applied for a loan from the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Now note the name of the parties:
The Original Document can be found HERE under file number 200613778. Notice that the Deed of Trust was issued in the name of Klein Investments, one of Philip's puppet companies.
The GOVERNMENT loan to Philip Klein was in the amount of $68,000.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Lets look at the property that Philip used the Small BUSINESS Administration loan for:
2315 Avenue G, Nederland, Texas. Yes, a RESIDENCE.
"You can't do that!" Said our source at the Small BUSINESS Administration. "He is defrauding the taxpayers."
Ah, but it doesn't stop there. Let's see what Philip has filed with the Jefferson County Appraisal District HERE:
And yes, he's even filed the HOMESTEAD exemption for the property. Klein Investments is entitle to a Homestead Exemption? Say What?
"What?" Said our source at the Jefferson County Appraisal District. "He can't do that. That's fraud!"
Our take?