Retards Write

"Retards write" is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip r. Klein, editor, writes his own Reader Mail, however pathetic, are purely intentional.

Alot of mail this week. Lets get started:


Sam, I love your site. Your sure have the pulse of the community. You are so smart too. I have a question. I would like to file a complaint against a private investigator that lives in Nederland, Texas. How do I do that?

Signed, Pissed

ANSWER: Thanks for reading Pissed. We are often surprised at how such a low tech website can have such an impact on the world. To answer your question, simply click on the link on the side of this page and it will take you where you need to go.


Sam, I love your site. Your sure have the pulse of the community. You are so smart too. I have a question. I filed a complaint against a private investigator named Philip Klein but I don't know his license number to put on the form. Can you help me?

Signed, Angry

ANSWER: Sure. Philip's license number is A09257


Sam, I am really worried about this oil spill. They say it's never going to stop and that the entire Gulf of Mexico is going to be nothing but a sludge pit of oil goo. What do you think? Oh, and I want to file a complaint on a private investigator in Texas.

Signed, Concerned

ANSWER: You have every reason to be concerned, Concerned. The oil spill was caused by corruption in Jefferson County. If you vote out all the democrats, the oil will go away. Oh, and click the link on the right side of this page.