
DISCLAIMER: FIBBITS is a registered trademark, patent, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip Klein lies his ass off are purely intentional.

What a week. Lets "tee it up"!

"Boy Mr. Klein, you sure are smart. What a great read on the elections."
Really Philip, when are you going to learn? No one is buying this shit you write about yourself. But, speaking of elections...

David Bellow is....... Looking for a lawyer we hear. John sure has his work cut out for him. And, speaking of lawyers.....

GOOGLE...... Ain't coming to your deposition. They HAVE sued YOU though and will "tee it up" March 26th. Better bring your wallet.

MR. 80%..... We figured it at 62.5%.

One year ago today:

If David Bellow was not politically dead before - he is done now.

'We' thought losing by only 86 votes against an incumbent wasn't too bad......By the way, what is your obsession with this guy? Is there something you want to tell us Philip?

the newspaper (Beaumont Enterprise) will be lucky to be in business by December

Nope, its March and mine was in the driveway this morning.

Have a Great Weekend. We will post, post the weekend postings.