The Sam the Eagle Political Review has been given copies of a video made by a citizen of Lumberton - recorded with the knowledge of the citizen under the one party law in Texas.
The recording was made when a citizen was called by another citizen who then called a non-citizen and then spoke to a citizen in an effort to infiltrate Klein Investigations and Consulting. Little did the caller know - the citizen he was speaking to was a citizen who knew someone who had a cousin who's brother was friends with a maid that worked at the Eagle's Nest.
In the recording - Philip r. Klein, editor is clearly seen preparing a spew of misinformation that can only be described as sickening.
WARNING, this video contains graphic images of Philip r. Klein, editor. Viewer discretion is advised. Those with high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, scabbies, genitial warts, or any of the various forms of Herpes are advised to turn their heads.