A Special Announcement

Last week, Philip Klein posted public notice alleging violations of various provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, certain other Federal Statutes, the Code of Hammurabi, and the Laws of Physics. Out of an abundance of caution, we forwarded that Notice and Demand to our legal counsel. After several meetings and conferences with our attorneys, we are announcing the following changes:

Sam the Eagle will now be known as "Not Sam the Eagle"

The Count will be called "That Guy that Counts Things"

Our attorney, the respected J. Noble Daggit, has determined that Smeagol is a resident of Middle Earth and thus is not subject to the jurisdiction of Sillup's philly lawsuit.

Beavis will heretofore be known as "Beavis" since that is his name.

'We' here at the Eagle's Nest are committed to giving you, the reader, the highest quality Klein-bashing on the market today. This latest threatened lawsuit (114th to date) is yet another attempt by Philip r. Klein to bully us. It is every American's God given right to make fun of Philip Klein and 'we' here at the Eagle's Nest are here to defend that right.

Not Sam t. Eagle, editor