Those Pesky Counters

Philip's latest self-aggrandizing editorial entitled "A Normal Day in the Zoo" is yet another attempt at propping up his low self esteem. Ignoring all the vainglorious dribble, he once again touts his "website hits."

"I must also admit that with the now over 2.5 million page views..."

A quick look at Philip's counter tells a much different story...

One will remember that only a month ago, Philip claimed to have

"over 1.6 million page hits"

We asked our own mathematical consultant, The Count to look at the data. Utilizing a process known as DIVISION, the Count has deduced that Philip's claim of over NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND VISITORS in the past THIRTY DAYS would mean that some THIRTY THOUSAND people read Philip's blog every day. HOWEVER, a recently updated WEBSITE OUTLOOK , a company that monitors website traffic, that number is JUST a little lower...only 292/day (and remember, each reader must click twice). Based upon this data, the Count has concluded that....







.................Philip lies................