Michael Jackson Alive!!!!!!

Sources today have confirmed that renowned entertainer, Michael Jackson is in fact alive and living in Mexico. The STE Political Review has learned that the grammy award winning musician did in fact, fake his own death by throwing himself overboard during a fishing trip, running to his palacial estate in Southern California and then simulating the symptoms of major heart failure.

"He's alive." Said a source that called the Review late last night. "He went to Mexico where he is living with Patrick McDermott, Adolf Hitler, David Carradine and Nick Lampson (who I guess is now NOT running for County Judge despite assertions from Philip for over a year now that he was...)
Family members, concerned for his safety have hired Philip r. Klein, head of The Team To Call When You Really Need To Know, to look into the matter.
Utilizing a tried and true investigative technique, Klein has laid a trap for the ellusive singer. "Wa hev a wibsit celled FENDMIKEL.COM end r minituring tha hets." Said Klein. "He well vesst it end wee well fend hem."
Not to be outdone, Klein has teamed up with another famous private detective to help him find Jackson. Jill Munroe of Townsend Investigations will be helping Klein. "I am thrilled to be working with Philip." Said Munroe from her Los Angeles office. "I saw him find Patrick and just think the world of him."
You bet we will watch this one... (Since we won't be watching Nick Lampson run for County Judge...)