Ask Smeagol

A reader asked: "Sam, why does Philip's 'Reader Mail' always seem to glorify him?"

That is an excellent question and one we fielded to our Eagle's Nest psychological expert, Smeagol.

"Well Master, the Phillips are suffering from several forms of psychosis that require a great deal of self esteem rebuilding.......Gollum........ his psychotic behavior is characterized by his obsession or preoccupation with the following:

Wealth: An example of this is when the Phillips say they cannot run for office because they could not take the pay cut. Or perhaps......Gollum......when they say they are not on the radio because they can't pay the Philips enough money. It is important to note that the Philip's house is not very expensive and they could afford a larger one if the Philips had a government job.

Power: An excellent example of this, Master, is the Phillips representation of themselves as either politicians or political consultants of which they are neither.

Great Fame: The Philips require much attention in this matter. Most of the letters they writes tell the Philips what a wonderful person they is. The precious noted that the Philips even claimed "I have the number one blog in Southeast Texas and have over 1.6 million page views since January"

Genius or Omnipotence: The Philips claim to be "of the sixth sense".

As a whole, the precious says that these are generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions, and are clear signs of manic or paranoid disorders.