The Reward---UPDATED

The Sam the Eagle Political Review has received over 400,000 messages from people claiming to have shot Philip R. Klein, editor, with a BB gun. As we sort through the information, a surprising discovery has been made. Apparently, Philip R. Klein, editor was also the victim of yet another dastardly attack. Recently, Philip R. Klein, editor was assualted by..........yes................

a can of motor oil.......

Police were unable to catch the culprit.

So, The Sam the Eagle Political Review, along with funds provided from a loan from the United States Small Business Administration is offering a like reward for the evildoer that pelted Philip R. Klein with a can of motor oil.

DISCLAIMER: The Sam the Eagle Political Review is not supporting the pelting of Philip R. Klein editor with a can of motor oil. We are horrified by this dastardly act and simply want the pelter to confess and then 'we' will encourage them to turn themselves in to the authorities.We do hereby reserve the right to laugh hysterically, hoorah, harrumph, and profess other similar exclamations over the incident.

NOTE: 'We' have investigated the reports that Philip R. Klein was attacked with; a bottle of castor oil, numerous bags of feces, a lawnmower, three sacks of spoiled cabbage, a donkey corpse, and a barrage of Helen Reddy albums, and with the exception of the latter, have found these allegations unfounded.

SIDE NOTE: Don't chickens live in a hen house???????? I could be wrong.