Retards Write

From Beaumont:
Mr. Eagle, how can I tell my clients not to talk about their lawsuit?
John St. Stephen John
Attorney for The Philip Kleins
ANSWER: Well, Mr. John St. Stephen John, that is a difficult question. Have you tried duct tape?....though vice grips to the tongue would probably be better.
From Hollywood:
Mr. Eagle, I read your site and just love the pictures. How do you get them?
Britney Spears on drugs(gratiutious search engine advertisement)
ANSWER: Thanks for reading Britney Spears on drugs (gratuitous search engine advertisement). One of our fledgling (pun intended) photographers takes them.
From Nederland:
HaLP!!!!! HaLP!!!!! I em tha gud Philip. Tha eevil Philips hev mee imprizuned insid thiz budy. HaLP MEe!!!!!
ANSWER: Stay calm good Philip. When you get a chance, pour a generous amount of Liquid Plummer in a large glass.......pinch your nose.....and pour it down.............your throat. That should take care of your problems.
From Houston:
Mr. Eagle, how can I make him/them stop. Please.....please, he/they're embarrassing me.
C. N.
ANSWER: Its OK......Stay calm......When you get a chance, pour a generous amount of Liquid Plummer in a large glass.......pinch your nose.....and pour it down.............their throats. That should take care of your problems.

From Jersualem:

There is no Good Philip

Father Merrin

ANSWER: Thanks for reading father.....'we' didn't think so either.
Sam the Eagle