In local news, renowned political consultants and all around sneaky guys, the Philip Kleins, apparently pulled a fast one this morning and hijacked a link from the local newspaper:
"I'm really not sure what happened" said Alca Punee, MIS director for Hearst Corp, parent company of the infected daily. "I got a call saying something about a broken link to THE BAYOU, a blog about daily living in southeast Texas connected to THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. The next thing I know, tons of code is pouring from our servers into the Stat Counter for 'The Southeast Texas Political Review'. God knows how many hits the site got. Maybe as many as ten."
A call from the Eagles Nest to the Southeast Texas Political Review was answered by Philip Klein who referred us to Philip Klein who then told us that we needed to talk to Philip Klein resulting in yet another headache and an additional search for some soft twigs to lie down in...