The Sam the Eagle Political Review has learned today that yet another lawsuit has been announced against Philip R. Klein, Philip R. Klein, editor, Klein and Associates, Klein Investments, Klein Relations, Klein Consulting, Klein Publishing and Kleinz Catsup.

"We saw the lawsuit and it is a lawsuit." Said a source that doesn't know anything about the suit that didn't call the Review over the weekend.

Styled Spongebob Squarepants versus Evil Klein Publishing, the suit maintains that Philip R. Klein, Philip R. Klein, editor, and several of the other personalities that live in Philip's head plagiarised his fictional account of the search for missing lighting technician, Patrick McDermott, Read the book review HERE.

"Lost At Sea is my book and that bastard knows it said Mr. Squarepants at a news conference over the weekend. I came up with the title and everything."

Klein, who recently was taken to the woodshed by Brent Coon (who we like and is not associated with this website in any way) for publishing outright lies about him on The Southeast Texas Political Review, was unavailable for comment.

Our take?

WOW! Simply WOW! Klein is under siege. He settled the lawsuit with Coon (which we understand was very favorable to Brent), and has asked for settlement demands from Eagle attorneys (which we have listed HERE,) but is now under investigation for Aggravated Perjury and apparently must also deal with yet ANOTHER lawsuit.

Klein + Aggravated Perjury + Lawsuit = Summer Fun