Those Pesky Counters

Sometimes we here at the Review just have to laugh. We really do.

Well - we told you so. You people that work at the courthouse - get ready. You people at home that read this site - all 20,000 per week - get ready.

That's what Philip claimed this morning.

Here's what he claimed last year:

3.46 million page views for the 2009 year.

That works out to be 66,538 readers per week.

Here's October of 2009:

For those of you outside of the county that read this site - to the tune now of just over 8,000 page views a day

......40, 000 per week

May of last year:

over 10,000 readers per week


"I must also admit that with the now over 2.5 million page views..."

That's 96,153 readers per week

For an accurate accounting of Philip's daily readership, check out WEBSITE OUTLOOK which shows 889 readers per week.

It just goes to show what we say around here at the Review all the time........

...............................Philip lies...................