Lets take a look at his shrewd examination of the race for Jefferson County Judge.
Back in June of 2008, Mark Dominque was going to resign his seat as commissioner and run for County Judge:
One Chamber member that called the Review this afternoon told us : "This is just Domingue's way to try and suck up to the tri-cities and their chambers. He is very unpopular right now with his tax abatement standing and he has to do some damage control."
They went on to say...."remember he is going to need a strong turn out from mid county if he is going be able to run for county judge in two years."
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 6-6-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
A week later, Miriam Johnson was going to run:
As the November elections approach - there is one person that must start pondering her political move come January. And that is Miriam Johnson.
Johnson - who is the Tax Assessor Collector for Jefferson County has been rumored to be the dark horse candidate for Judge Ron Walkers seat in two years.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 6-13-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
By the fall, Congressman Nick Lampson was in as well:
The Southeast Texas Political Review has learned this afternoon that Congressman Nick Lampson who was defeated this week in the District 22 race in Sugarland will be moving back to Southeast Texas and will consider a run for Jefferson County Judge's office.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 11-3-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
BUT WAIT! A secret candidate emerges:
As well, the Review has learned that a very popular female elected official from North County has begun to talk about maybe running for Jefferson County Judge as well. Which would make the race the race to watch for a take over of the gang of seven.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 11-25-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
Or is it Dominque:
The Domingue camp has not taken the news lightly and according to one source close to Dominuge, they tell us that Domingue might either step aside or run for County Judge.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 11-27-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
STOP THE PRESSES! Its now Miriam Johnson, Nick Lampson, Bo Alfred, and a secret squirrel:
The race kicks off in October of 2009 with the primary in March of 2010. Walker is scheduled to leave office in December of 2010 - however - speculation is running deep that a January surprise may be around the corner.
"Do not be surprised that Walker may step down and name Miriam Johnson as the sitting judge before she announces her retirement this next year," said the source with direct knowledge.
Names floating around for the Judges position are, Nick Lampson, Bo Alfred and a dark horse blast from the past that has asked us not to use their name at this time. That name may be a GOPER.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 12-12-08. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
At least all of his purported candidates are still alive.
Word on the street is that with Jeff Branick on his assault quest to be the next Jefferson County Judge has seemingly un-phased Team Lampson.
Nick Lampson came home from DC after getting the boot in Sugarland. And announces in the backrooms that he is going to run for Jefferson County Judge.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 1-30-09. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
Branick and former congressman Nick Lampson fight it out and take over at the end of the term.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 2-6-09. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
Or is it Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames?
Ames is in.....but what about the rumors of running for county Judge? That has tongues wagging this morning around the political world.
Becky Ames should walk through this next election either no opponent or a token opponent….. It is our opinion that she has the support to win as a candidate for county Judge.
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 2-13-09. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
But what about Dominque?
Hot off the backroom press is that Domingue will RUN FOR COUNTY JUDGE!
Philip Klein, Southeast Texas Political Review, 5-9-09. Used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine 17 U.S.C. 107
In the end, one thing is quite clear......
Philip Klein is an imbecile.