Retard's Write

DISCLAIMER: "Retard's Write" is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip Klein writes his own Reader Mail are purely intentional.


Sam, I did not know you donated so much time and money to wayward puppies. You are such a kind and benevolent person. People must truly love you. You are great, and smart, and popular and....did I say smart.


We have a saying around here - Nu/Gi. It is about doing things from your heart. The reason I post your message today is maybe to inspire others to get involved and do something for those puppies. What I want to say - is thank you - and your husband for your commitment to puppies.


Sam, I just want to say that everyone in Beaumont loves your site. You are so smart and kind and what you do for puppies is so wonderful


We have a saying around here - Nu/Gi. It is about doing things from your heart. The reason I post your message today is maybe to inspire others to get involved and do something for those puppies. What I want to say - is thank you - and your community for your commitment to puppies.


Sam, can you forward your information from your investigation of the Gadfly Foundation?


........sure.......of course I will..........

EAGLE'S NOTE: A reader commented that he didn't understand the first two letters. Here is a copy of a 'letter' to Philip from one of his 'readers' and his response:

From Port Arthur Texas :

"Thank you for your support of the police officers all over Southeast Texas. I want you to know, as a police officers wife, I learned of your quiet support in donations of your money to police benefits and activities. Thank you again and thank you for your web site."

Answer : We have a saying around here - Nu/Gi. It is about doing things from your heart. The reason I post your message today is maybe to inspire others to get involved and do something for those that put their lives on the line everyday. What I want to say - is thank you - and your husband for his commitment to our safety.

Really Philip, those who talk the most, do the least.......oh, and be careful where you get your oil changed.