Photos, photos, photos...tee hee, how did a "reader" know that was your business? ('We' know when you downloaded the pictures. You see, we embedded a super secret tracking tag in the code. Silly, silly Philip.)
TROG... No, Philip is not Trog. But he does post there quite a bit.
Letter from 'Orange County'???? "We just moved my son from the dorms at Lamar to an apartment".....Schools out Philip. (Really, you need to quit referring to the writer of the purported letter in the plural also. It is a dead giveaway.)
Philip predicts NISD sued for hiring pedophile Kerry Foulk (Not Yet....)
Philip predicts lawsuit in Hardin County over Renaissance Hospital (.........crickets........)
Have a Great Weekend. Coming Next week......How to use a Dairy Queen as a bank....
Sam T. Eagle editor