FILM AT 11:00: Oh Look, Philip claims to have a picture of someone stealing a sign from his yard in the middle of the night. Post It? HA!!!! Philip's Files? HA!!!! Still waiting for my identity Philip. (Eagle's Note, Sources close to the Review tell us that Philip Klein does indeed have twenty four hour infrared video surveillance on his home, office ,and 'hot tube'. The latter footage can be found at www.fattube.com).
IS IT TRUE: Hey Philip, Does Mike Young owe money to the Examiner too? More of Philip's agenda against Channel Six. What media orgainizations do you owe money to? UHH???
Philip Klein predicts...
Oscar Ortiz will run for County Judge.....NOT!!!!!
Feds to investigate Jefferson County Appraisal District.....What is it about Philip and the Feds???
American Airlines to file bankruptcy....
so much for Philip's predictions.
Have a Great Weekend