JCAD: Two months now Philip. Really, you going to post the home values of 'The Gang of Seven' or did they not turn out the way you expected?
OUTRAGE? Nope didn't hear any. 'We' here at the Review think its just your jihad against Channel Six because they don't want you posting on their forums.
Hal Ross: Ah, more personal attacks against people you don't like. Note, Hal is not a public official Philip. So those rules about him suing you don't apply.
One Year Ago today: (Why don't you archive your blog Philip? Everyone else does.)
Philip blames Democrats because gas is $3.50 per gallon. OOPPS
Philip predicts lawsuit between China and Port Neches over fire truck STILL WAITING
Philip promises a strong fight in his suit against Tom Gilliam. OUCH!!!!!
Have a Great Weekend