Toy maker Mattell announced today that it is recalling a popular toy sold in the United States and Canada. The Kleinio, a doll sold since 2008 and the first toy marketed specifically to schizophrenics and pathological liars, is being recalled in the face of a class action lawsuit filed by parents in at least thirty seven states.
"This doll is a nightmare." Said one parent that called the Review over the weekend. "Ever since I bought it for my daughter, all she does is tell me how important she is."
"My child was an honor student." Said another parent. "I got him a Kleinio for his birthday and since then he has failed every test he has taken. He says 'It's OK to write the wrong thing because that's what people want to hear'."
Mattell CEO Bob Eckert apologized for the problems the Kleinio has caused. "We didn't realize that people would actually take this toy seriously." Eckert said in a phone interview to the Review. "We were simply trying to sell toys."
Parents, children, schizophrenics, liars, megalomaniacs, and idiots who purchased a Kleinio are urged to toss it in the garbage since retail stores will not take the dolls back.