Oh what a week....
Philip's playing with his counter again. (Stop that or you'll go blind.) Website Outlook has his daily readership at 131.
JCAD: Still no sign of the home values of 'The Gang of Seven.' Its not that hard Philip. Type in their names and click SEARCH.
David Bellows: Don't feel bad about the bankruptcy. Philip's had two.
Gordon Greer: Don't feel bad about the tax lien. You should see the government liens that go along with SBA loans. But you should feel bad about posting to his Talkback line. 'We' told you.
Philip Klein predicts Oscar Ortiz goes to prison.........NOT
Philip Klein predicts criminal investigation of Nederland EDC.......still waiting
Philip Klein predicts flood of lawsuits by property owners agains Jefferson County Appraisal District......... Never happened (its a good thing they didn't get you to try and look up their home values.)
Have a Great Weekend
Sam T. Eagle, editor