"Sam, do you think Philip is an egomaniac?"
A good question which we gave to our very own schizophrenic psychopath, Smeagol.
"Yes, precious, the Philips very much are egomaniacs. Egotism is the motivation to maintain and enhance favorable views of self. Egotism means placing oneself at the center of one's world with no direct concern for others. It is closely related to narcissism, or "loving one's self," and the possible tendency to speak or write of oneself boastfully and at great length. Like when the Philips write:
"We are now the number one blog with over 1.2 million page hits."
Yes precious, the egocentric personality in the Philips is taking over. Egotism may coexist with delusions of one's own importance, at the denial of reality. This conceit is a character trait describing a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he/she gives to others. Egotism is often accomplished by exploiting the altruism, irrationality and ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and/or fraud. Like when the Philips say that millions of people read the Philips but when in reality, WEBSITE OUTLOOK knows that only 131 people read the Philips every day. Yes my precious, the Philips are very much egomaniacs.