Numbers, Numbers, Numbers... Up 18%???? A few weeks ago it was in the millions. Last Fall it was 300%. Website Outlook has Philip's daily hits at 160.
Kevin Guidry Poll....Not quite what you expected was it Philip? (And why do you CC a copy of your letter to yourself? Do you not know that you are writing it?)
Philip Klein predicts indictments coming out of 'FannettGate"
Philip Klein predicts lawsuit against Jefferson County by SMG over Ford Park
Philip Klein predicts Attorney General Investigation over missing 1981 traffic warrants for political candidate.
KFDM Layoffs... Sign of the times. Hey Philip, how much is the Southeast Texas Political Review paying you?
JCAD...Still waiting for Philip to post his Gang of Seven numbers. Remember to include the occupations of their spouses Philip (but then again you rarely tell the WHOLE story). Rule of Thumb, your house is 2 and 1/2 times your FAMILY'S annual salary. Have a great weekend. 'We' will post post weekend.