That leaves us with an interesting dilemma. For over a year now, Dr. Van Pelt has been studying Philip r. Klein editor, and, despite making some remarkable discoveries, has yet to determine why he always refers to himself as 'we', 'us', 'our' or various other forms of the plural.
Not to discount Dr. Van Pelt, 'we' here at the Review feel its time to find someone else that can help us determine why in the hell Philip does this.
This past weekend saw some extended negotiations, hair pulling, nose picking, and many hard promises. 'We' feel however that 'we' have found the perfect person for the job. He is an international star of stage and screen, a man who has seen and done it all, and foremost, someone we all feel will identify with Philip and thus help determine WHY he is so compelled to call himself 'WE'. The Sam the Eagle Political Review is proud to announce that......

"We are most gracious to Master Eagle and the precious for this opportunity and we looks forward to trying to solve the riddle of the Philip Kleins." Said Smeagol from his loft in Coventry, England.