FROM: The Fire Department.
Sam, I read Philip's letter from a member of the Hampshire Fanette Fire Department about Kevin Guidry. I have two questions.
1) Does Philip realize that there is NO Hampshire Fanette Fire Department? There is HOWEVER a Hamshire Fire Department and ALSO a La Belle Fanette Fire Department. They are two completely different departments.
2) Is it true that Philip arranged with Marsha Mason to make Kevin Guidry's bond?
Smoky Joe
ANSWER: Thanks for reading Smoky.
1) No, Philip rarely realizes the stupid mistakes he makes when he writes his own Reader Mail. He has to do this though. If you will recall, his Talkback line averaged only about six messages per month.
2) Good Question. I heard that too. Any response Philip?
FROM: The Chamber
Sam, I read Philip's speech to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and heard he was going to actually get a chance to speak to them. When is this event?
B. Z. Nisman
ANSWER: Sorry B.Z. but that was a little joke we played. Yes, Philip did publish a proposed speech he would like to give at a meeting of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, UNFORTUNATELY, there is NO such animal in Texas. Philip, you might want to contact the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce in Dandridge, Tennessee and see it they want you to speak. If so, call me, I'd still love to introduce you.
(what a moron.....)