FROM: I'm Not Telling:
Sam, I read that Philip said he was flying to the West Coast one weekend but Saturday, he crashed a fishing tournament and had to be physically removed. What's Up with that?
The Jolly Fisherman
ANSWER: Thanks for reading Jolly. There are two possibilities. The first involves something we have suspected for sometime. We think that Philip may be able to manipulate several of his multiple personalities so that he is able to appear at two places at once. However, Dr. Van Pelt thinks that this is highly unlikely given his underlying intelligence scores. The simple answer is that....................Philip lies.
FROM: The 'Copyrite' Office
Sam, do you have any information about Philip r. Klein using a photograph on his website of some school board trustees that is 'copyrited'?
ANSWER: NOOOOOOOO! Philip r. Klein would never do such a thing.
FROM: The Great Beyond
Sam, I just love your site. You sure have the pulse of the community. If Philip r. Klein ever gets to speak, will they let you introduce him?
ANSWER: Philip's been wishing for years that someone would ask him to speak. I'm afraid the security would have to be pretty tight and you would need a whole lot of chicken wire in front of the stage.