Last week, Philip once again ventured into the world of mathematics........with predicitable results. Philip wrote:
"Math - Only 2 cents per ton on a ship. The average docking TAX to ships? $20,000 per boat just to dock in Jefferson County? Wow!"
'We' here at the Eagles Nest were a bit curious about this (as we are anytime Philip tries to use math) and so we contacted our maritime consultant..........
Spongebob Squarepants. Mr. Squarepants, a longtime resident of the sea, told us that the average Bulk Carrier cargo ship can carry anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 DWT (deadweight tons)......(an interesting term when talking about Philip Klein). Using the mathematical tool of MULTIPLICATION, we can extrapolate that the average ship would pay somewhere between $800 to $1200 in taxes (.02$ X the weight of the cargo).....NOT $20,000. Mr. Squarepants then went on to explain that the largest bulk carrier in the world, The Berge Stahl can carry just over 360,000 dwt which would result in a tariff of a little over $7,000.....NOT $20,000. It is important to note that this ship is so large that it can only call in two ports in the world. Unfortunately, Beaumont is not one of those. Mr. Squarepants was kind enough to prepare a visual aide that helps explain the mathematical results: