"And sure enough - what many had been stating to be the truth was right on. There in plain daylight was a BISD patrol car. You know - the ones that are supposed to be protecting the school district and its property. Well, the officer and the car were directing traffic - at the church?"
Now you would think that people don't really care if off duty cops are helping little old ladies cross the street after prayer meeting.....but not Philip.....He challenged all of his 83 readers to go out and find some cop directing traffic and send him a picture.
"Show me the car. I want to see one of our on duty officers in a car directing traffic," asked the source.
So - we here at the Review are going on a hunt. We did not bring a camera - but we will on Sunday. And we want your participation too.
If you see a BISD cop car out there working on off duty time - click a pic and send it to the Review for a $50 reward. We will keep your name out and give you cash."
It is interesting to note that Philip has yet to post any photos.
'We' fed the data into our computer here at the Eagle's Nest and came up with some interesting conclusions:
1) There are no cops directing traffic on Sunday;
2) Philip lies........or
...............No one cares.....................