"Patrick, can you hear me?"
"Yea. Thanks Sam. I look forward to discussing Southeast Texas Politics with you and the other members of the Review. Unfortunately, I am broken down here in Nederland, Texas. I asked some of the guys in the building behind me if I could use the phone but a big fat guy told me I needed to give him a quarter first. I still don't have any American currency so I'll have to continue with the radio for now."
"Great Pat. So, what have you learned?"
"Well Sam, The Gang of Seven's influence here in Nederland is growing daily. Everywhere I went, I saw jackbooted Sherriff's deputies throwing people against walls, asking for their papers, and then shuffling them off into barred box cars."
"Interesting. So how's the food"
"Not bad. Sanderson's has a great buffet. But get their early. There are a few who can eat the whole damn line in one pass."
"Thanks Pat. Get that car fixed and be careful."