DISCLAIMER: Retards Write is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip Klein writes his own Reader Mail are purely intentional.
Some real readers this week:
Sam, love your site. You seem to really have the take on that buffoon.
John Nazarian
ANSWER: Thanks for reading John. If only you knew Philip like we know Philip.
GREAT POST! You really crack me up. Philip is such a turd. I'm glad to see someone do to him what he's been doing to people for years.
A Fan
ANSWER: Thanks fan. 'we' can think of no one who deserves it more.
Sam, you are the greatest. You are so smart and kind and thoughtful and smart. You really are the voice of he community. I read you all the time instead of the newspaper or anything.
ANSWER: Thanks....uh Steve. You sure know me well.