DISCLAIMER: Retard Writes is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip Klein writes his own Reader Mail are purely intentional.


Sam, I read Philip's latest letter to himself about the police officer leaving his vehicle running. He writes:

We do not see a lapse in judgment by the officer. We just do not see it.

What do you think?

Legis Latura


Philip doesn't see alot of things. The TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE clearly reads:

Sec. 545.404. UNATTENDED MOTOR VEHICLE. An operator may not leave the vehicle unattended without:

(1) stopping the engine;
(2) locking the ignition;
(3) removing the key from the ignition;
(4) setting the parking brake effectively; and
(5) if standing on a grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway.