Anonymous sources have confirmed to the STE Political Review late last night that Philip r. Klein, editor, is mounting an expedition in search of the fabled lost city of gold, El Dorado.
"We knuw wear et iz." said Klein in an interview with the Review this morning. The renowned editor explained to us how he set up a website: FENDILDURADU.COM and then tracked hits to the website. "We hev fund uver 44,923 piple whu wint 2 tha site." He said. after eliminating the hits from inquiries about the popular Disney movie and a twelve year old from St. Paul, Minnesota who was trying to buy cigars online, Klein says he is 99.99% sure that the lost city is located in the southside of Chicago near one of the Grand Boulevard slums.
Armed with his internet information, and funded by a loan from the United States Small Business Administration, Klein has assembled a formidable team of explorers including Ponce de Leon, Sir Edmund Hilary, Amelia Earhart, and a guy that followed the Greatful Dead around for twenty seven years. All are veteran explorers and travelers with a great deal of experience.
"We r gung to fend et." Klein asserted.
Attempts to contact the other team members were unsuccessful and it was later discovered that all of them were in fact dead.