Retard Writes

DISCLAIMER: Retard Writes is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of STE Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip r. Klein writes his own Reader Mail are purely intentional.

'We' here at the Eagle's Nest took some time post having dinner with Barack and Michelle to take a look at some of Philip's latest 'mail'. Some people never learn.

Philip's latest 'letter' is from an 'anti-Wanda' (a term he uses quite frequently). Lets ignore the fact that the 'reader' refers to themselves in the plural no less than three times and also insists that 'they' are "not Philip". No, lets look at the time stamps...

The latest letter was posted at 10:31 a.m. on 2/23/2008:

Yet, Philip posts the relative article TWENTY-TWO minutes LATER at 10:53:

Oh, and if you really want to know how he feels on the subject:

.........silly Philip........