Well its the end of the month and it appears that Philip Klein's 15 minutes of fame has had a positive effect on his website hits. 35057.....pretty good.....thats like 1200 per day

However, if you take out the 10,000 people that visited The Southeast Texas Political Review at about 2:00 p.m. on January 14th and the 16,000 that visited last Saturday morning (yes, I saw you move your counter Philip), that leaves about 9,000 actual 'hits' which corresponds to about 4500 actual readers this month (assuming they only look at two pages). This is a little better than you did last year at this time, 7451 hits.

For all our new readers, Philip prides himself on the size of his 'counter' and when it doesn't measure up......well he has to inflate it.
For a better idea of the actual number of readers that visit The Southeast Texas Political Review, check out WEBSITE OUTLOOK, a company that monitors web traffic to the site. They've just updated their data and show readership at 149/day.