Retard Writes

DISCLAIMER: Retard Writes is a patent, trademark, 'copyrite' of Sam the Eagle Enterprises and the Eatafly Foundation. Any implications or inferences that Philip Klein writes his own Reader Mail is purely intentional.


"Thank you for what you do for our area. I am only 18 years old and a Senior Government student at Westbrook. My teacher showed us your web site. My class follows it every week. We all laugh at some of your stories because they are unbelievable. But they find out they are true after doing our own research into them. I am going to ask to do my paper on your web site. Can you tell me why you do your site."


Thanks. 'We' here at the Eagles Nest are committed to the principles of truth, liberty, old people, puppies, affordable health care, and yes, even kittens.

We are against communism, socialism, astigmatism, and are committed to fighting the precept that only one person can talk bad about others on the internet.

Sam T. Eagle editor

P.S. Oh and thanks Gus for the plug. Yes, WEBSITE OUTLOOK, a company that has been monitoring the traffic to THE SOUTHEAST TEXAS POLITICAL REVIEW, updates its statistics every two weeks. As of mid-January, 2009, traffic is averaging 119 hits per day. The link is HERE.