I thought I would end this year with a look at the 'Highs' and 'Lows' of Philip Klein's Southeast Texas Political Review.
I found no 'Highs'
Here then, according to the STE Political Review, are the Top Five Lows for 2008:
NUMBER 5: Philip's Armageddon like prediction that oil would rise to $200 per barrel and gas would cost $7 per gallon.....well just didn't pan out.
Philip Klein 6-27-08:
"Crude and Gas- By end of summer $200 per barrel and $7 a gallon. Drill now."
Crude is just below $40 per barrel and gas is sitting at .87 wholesale. I sure hope Philip invested in some drilling rigs.
NUMBER 4: Philip loves to blast those who look to the government for aid.
"We here at the Review are looking for a way to get on the check. But we guess it will not work because we like getting up and earning our money - it makes us feel....useful? "
But in September, we found that Philip financed a second house with a loan from the SBA. So, Philip, hows that bail out working for you?
NUMBER 3: We all know that Philip has a thing about his counter. In November, we saw it advance by over 11,000 in a single night. As of today, Website Outlook has his site averaging around 120 hits per day. Hey Philip, if your thinking about selling, give me a call.
NUMBER 2: We have suspected for years that Philip has multiple personality disorder. We just didn't realize that he had personalities that wrote letters to himself. Number 2 on our countdown is Philip's own Reader Mail, praising an article that HE HASN'T WRITTEN YET.
And now we come to the final low for Philip for 2008. During the last part of the year, he tried desperately to convince the world that Layne Walker was having an affair with his court reporter. He goaded the news to 'break the story'. But......alas, they didn't. And why you ask?The plain fact of the matter is that.....yes......Philip lies. He hasn't posted it because it's just not true. So that leads us to the NUMBER ONE guffaw for Philip in 2008....The Tom Gilliam debacle. Will we see a similar suit in 2009?
The Review will have a new look for 2009. Bring on the lawyers Philip.
Have a safe and Happy New Year
Sam the Eagle