Retard Writes

Disclaimer: Retards Write is a registered trademark, patent, 'copywrite' of Sam the Eagle Enterprises INC, ABC, NBA and the Eatafly Foundation. Any and all implications or inferences that The Philip Kleins, their various entities, companies, or personalities that inhabit their psyche write letters to themselves, however pathetic, is unfortunately true.


Sam, I really liked the editorial you're going to write tomorrow. You are so smart, and intelligent, and popular, and pretty. Over one million people here in Silsbee read you every day.

A Fan

ANSWER: Thanks for reading Fan. 'We' are just a humble editor.


Sam, when are you going to tell us who Philip Klein really is?


ANSWER: Soon.........very soon


Sam, I am very interested in this new math you have discovered. Based upon your calculations, the universe may be millions of time bigger than we thought.....or maybe millions of times smaller. Can you send me more information?

Stephen Hawking

ANSWER: Thanks Stephen. Honestly, 'we' didn't discover it. You will have to talk to Philip Klein.