Retards Write

Disclaimer: Retards Write is a registered trademark, patent, 'copywrite' of Sam the Eagle Enterprises INC, ABC, NBA and the Eatafly Foundation. Any and all implications or inferences that The Philip Kleins, their various entities, companies, or personalities that inhabit their psyche write letters to themselves are purely coincidental.


Sam, we need your help. An article on The Southeast Texas Political Review mentions that a Philip Klein met with a "Lt. Cornel." What is a 'Cornel'?

General Major

ANSWER: Cornels are subspecies of the Dogwood tree in the family cornaceae and are found throughout the United States.


We missed you during the storm. We love you so much and what you write. You are the greatest and are so smart and successful and pretty. We thank you for all you do for this community and this country and mankind and everything like that.

ANSWER: Yes, 'we' are.


Sam, I read Philip Klein's latest editorial. He writes:

"As we were stopped - Hal Ross got onto the bus and looked around for some reason. I did not notice him."

If Philip did not notice him, how did he know that Hal looked around?

Curious at the airport

ANSWER: Thanks for reading Curious. One must remember that, to date, we have documented at least 42 different Philip Kleins (which explains why he needed to eat so many hamburgers). I suspect that one of the Philip's noticed Hal and told the rest.

Sam the Eagle