It just doesn't get any better than this folks. Eagle's Nest investigative reporter Beavis has learned today that The Southeast Texas Political Review has been publishing false information for years (imagine that....). At the bottom of Philip Klein's blog is the caption:
The Southeast Texas Political Review is a production of Klein and Associates Political Relations. © 1995 - 2008 PRK Enterprises, Inc. Any rebroadcast or reproduction of this site is forbidden without permission of this Company. Such permission must be in writing and consist of the persons name - address - and the reason for the reproduction. Under title 17 of the US Code - Subjects that reproduce or reprint any portion of this site without permission of PRK Enterprises, Inc. may be liable under the statute.
However, a call to the Sam the Eagle Political Review late last night from an anonymous source who did not give their name reveals that Philip Klein NEVER COPYRIGHTED the blog.
"Dude, I like can't find it anywhere." said Beavis. "I mean check the Copyright Website. It says":
Your search found no results
Calls to Philip Klein's cell phone were answered by an irrate voice telling us to quit calling that there was noone there that would show us a good time.
You bet we will watch this one. And watch it we shall. And we shall see.......and we will watch it some more......