Liar! Liar!

Disclaimer: LIAR! LIAR! is a registered trademark, patent, 'copywrite' of Sam the Eagle Enterprises INC, ABC, NBA and the Eatafly Foundation. Any and all inferences or implications that The Philip Kleins, their various entities, companies, or personalities that inhabit their psyche are pathological liars are purely coincidental.
In the continuation of our series on Lies of The Philip Kleins, our correspondent, Beavis, will examine the notorious Gadfly...
So, like, uh, Philip Klein said:
"It is with great honor and humbleness that I announce the formation of the Gadfly 2001 Trust, Inc.
In 2000 Klein Investments, Inc. in conjunction with Philip and Inga Klein established a Not for Profit Foundation. It was named the "Gadfly" foundation."
So, like, uh, first, dude weren't you still married to Eileen in 2000?
Business Name Gadfly 2001 Trust was not found.
So, like, uh, what did you do with all the money and uh, can I like have some?